Not much time to write this morning. We hung around Depoe Bay all day including a return stop at Cape Foulweather, a stop at Boiler Bay, a visit to Fogarty Creek State Park including a picnic, a few shops in Depoe Bay and a Guinness at Odowney’s Irish Pub, and whale watching on the balcony. We walked to Tidal Raves for dinner. I’ll let the pictures tell the story. Regarding whales, they are everywhere! We see as many as ten at one time from the balcony. The state rangers have reported that there are over 230 in residence in the area, up from 125 last year, probably a result of warmer waters in California. They are hard to photograph because they pop up randomly for just a few seconds. But you see spouts everywhere.
On to the pictures (click to enlarge):

Just by the pix, but m thinking Oregon coast in September better than the June ones you have done??? Inquiring minds want to know!!
Definitely September
Seeing the whales reminds me of our whale watches in Boston. You are having fun that is obvious. Love Cindy