Our 21st day in Dingle and the first one when it rained pretty much all day. No morning walks. Basically we stayed in. Reading, tv, naps, lunch, etc. We did go out to the library to return some books and get new ones. And we did some grocery shopping at SuperValu. There literally isn’t anything else to report.
Dinner too was at home. Pies with carrots and peas. Wine, of course. My pie was steak and kidney; Elaine’s was chicken.

Reflecting on Dingle visits past:
I can’t remember for sure how many times we’ve been to Dingle. Thinking back, the first time we stayed for a couple of nights while on a two-three driving tour of Ireland. That was probably in 1998 or 1999. We stayed at Greenmount House which is still the premier B&B in Dingle. In 2000 after I retired we spent six weeks here at Conor Pass Cottage. Doc & Lena visited for a week as did Ed & Phyllis Wrenn and Bob & Tob Messina. We stayed again at Greenmount House for a few days but ended in a house that they own due to a mix-up in reservations. That house was on Radharc na Mara, not far from where we stay now. And we rented that house again for a ten-day stay another trip. And we rented and a house just a few doors from where we are now for another 10-14 day stay. The house next door has a teenager who played the drums, seemingly deciding to practice whenever I decided to take a nap. And we stayed for four weeks in Ventry, the next town est from Dingle. On that trip Bill & Mianne visited for a week as did Ann & Russ. Ann bought out Mulcahy’s Pottery Store. (We revisited there a few days ago – they have restocked and are looking forward to Ann’s return.) Then we discovered Grainne and her mother Marion. We stayed several times at Water’s Edge house including two times at Christmas and New Year’s. And we stayed at #23 Ard Na Mara our last few trips, Bob & Barbara visited us there. And now we staying at #18 Ard Na Mara. Elaine likes #23 better; I like #18 for the view.
Joe, what did you say to Elaine to deserve that evil eye?
You two sure have a long and eventful history with Dingle. Good times.
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But where do you stay at Christmas? When does your Donegal trip start?
More on Christmas later. We leave Dingle for Ballina and then Donegal on 12 May.
I agree with Sue, Joe, “What did you do, or say?” Dingle seems to be your home away from home! Special place indeed. We get to see Michael today on his way home to CA. He has a 6 hour layover in Denver. Very long trip from Bahrain. We are excited to have this time.
Give our best to Michael!
We loved visiting Dingle. And hope sometime to do it again. So happy they have restocked the pottery for my return. It was especially fun because we had our favorite tour guide Joey there to show us the area!! Wonderful memories!!
Did not realize you were headed to Donegal this time. My maternal grandparents were born in Donegal, but left as teenagers. They met at a Donegal dance in Boston. Family name: HARTIN.