Our first of two consecutive sea days turned out to be bright and sunny. And, amazingly, the sea remains like a lake. After staying up until midnight, we slept in, arising at a late (for us) 8:00 am. After breakfast as usual we spent the day just relaxing here and there. I found a new book to read in the ship’s library – Stalin’s Romeo Spy. I’ll probably have to end up buying it on Amazon since it’s unlikely that I’ll finish it while on the ship.
Oslo/Norway Retrospective
Oslo is a delightful city. If they didn’t experience cold and snowy winters, it would be a wonderful place to live. It’s squeaky clean. The people are friendly. There is lots to do. The public transportation is great. Good restaurants (albeit expensive). It is pretty easy to understand why Norwegians are consistently rated amongst the happiest people in the world. Pretty much the same could be said for Bergen which has the advantage of being much smaller in size. Norwegians generally like their government despite extremely high taxes. And they don’t worry at all about health care costs as those are covered by the government.
Northern Norway is beautiful too. But the towns are much smaller and very isolated. And then there is the two months of never seeing the sun. Could you deal with that? I think it would be hard.
Now we are heading toward the British Isles. Tomorrow will be another sea day before we arrive on Friday in Lerwick on the Shetland Islands, part of the UK.
After cocktails in the Explorer Bar, we had dinner in the Open Table specialty restaurant. The concept there is that it is a fixed menu, no choices, based on a different theme each night. Reservations required. Our friends, Jim and Theresa, had reservations as well, but at a different time. We went together in their time slot, and the maître d’ arranged a table of four for us. The theme tonight was Korean.

Internet is very bad right now. See you tomorrow.
The shot of the Midnight Sun from yesterday’s post was spectacular. And the birds in those dioramas certainly do look real.
Two months of no sun would be hard to get used to, but two months of the sun never setting would be hard as well.
The Korean menu sounds delicious and the pix of the actual food confirms it. Elaine, you look happy and stunning (and so much warmer) sitting at the bar. Love your shirt and your earrings. Looks like you’re having a lot of fun with your NC friends.
Everything that Sue wrote. Good going Sue!
Think we would really enjoy this cruise – food looks fabulous and love your description of the itinerary!
Just returned from France with colds but trip was fabulous!! Met some very interesting people and loved seeing Paris and the D-Day beaches in particular!!
So glad you are enjoying trip!!