Here’s a Snapseed (sort of like Photoshop, but for Android phone camera) enhanced photo of last night’s sunset. I like the effect. (By the way, none of the photos I post are Photoshoped unless I mention it.)
We awoke on Tuesday to clear skies but with fog lurking about. Back to walking today (with pics). In response to questions, the normal walk is 2.2 miles – 1.1 miles into town to the bridge by the harbor and then 1.1 miles back to the Village at North Pointe where we live. We usually leave for the walk at about 6:45-7:00. Elaine is ready first and leaves first. She walks too fast for me. I leave about 10 minutes after her, and we usually meet up unless one of us takes a different route. Anyway, today we left a little later (7:30ish). And I did take a different route. About halfway into town I took a right and headed out to Center Point. It’s a bit foggy, but that adds to the pictorial ambiance. That’s a fake seagull in the picture in case you might have thought otherwise. I also met and chatted up a gentleman from Newport, OR who grew up in Malden, MA. So we were old neighbors. Here are the pics (back to my trusty Sony RX100 VII) from the Center Point portion of the walk. The last two photos are looking directly into the newly rising sun. Note my long shadow photo a bit earlier. Also note there are no walls and long falls if you get too close to the edge. Walker beware.

When I showed places to stay in Depoe Bay in an earlier post, I neglected to mention Wyndham’s World Mark Resort. It is a huge complex that is right next to our condo looking south. Hundreds of units, all time shares. Here’s a picture of the south end of it. Right out from it is a large island that we call Bird Island. Millions (yes, I counted them) of birds – sea gulls, penguins, cormorants, and probably other varieties. No emus or canaries. If you are here in the spring, Bird Island is the birthplace of new birds. In the afternoons, huge throngs of new birds and their mothers take off and swim out to sea and land in the ocean and then they all return thirty minutes of=r so later. It’s a learning experience for the newborn, I take it. None of that in the fall though. The second picture is of Bird Island.

When I got home, we headed out for breakfast at the Surfrider. Yum. Still foggy on the beach below when we started breakfast, but i had pretty well lifted by the time we finished. Elaine likes the water fountain by the entrance.

After breakfast it was relax time. I read a bit (which usually involves falling asleep). Elaine does the crossword puzzle. The building you see in the center of the photo is the north end of World Mark Resort. Look at the ocean, all white inwards of the breakers. The sea remains angry.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying the balcony. Dinner was at home. Leftovers. See you tomorrow.
Cocktails on the balcony were grand watching the surf. Dinner was also on the balcony. Cheese, crackers, smoked salmon, and what all. Yummy. We finally went to bed after watching the sunset and the crescent moon rise.

Wonderful photos! Adventure on!
Sunrise to sunset. What a great day.
Love that angry ocean.
Ditto from me what Sue wrote. New roof all done. Those guys work so hard. Like you Elaine, we had drinks and snacks for them. They so deserve it!