The weather wasn’t promising for a Saturday visit to Lincoln City (the self proclaimed Kite Capital of the World) on our last full day in Oregon. But it didn’t rain and we even got a fair amount of sunshine. No rain was critical to enjoying a few hours at the Lincoln City Kite Festival on the Beach at D River just off Oregon scenic highway 101. Pictures tell the whole story:

Here’s a video I did at the Kite Festival of two kite pilots doing a synchronized routine to music (click link to load):
On leaving the Kite Festival, we went into Depoe Bay for some last minute souvenir and marionberry preserve shopping. We got three bottles of marionberry preserves to take home. It’s delicious. One unique way to use it is in grilled cheese sandwiches.
Then we stopped at Bonepile BBQ, just a stone’s throw from the condo, for a late-ish lunch that would also suffice as dinner. Elaine had a pulled pork sandwich with a side of cole slaw (vinegar based). I had a ½ rack of St. Louis style ribs, corn bread, and potato salad. It was all delicious. Last stop was to fill up with gas for our morning getaway.
When we got home to the condo, it was high tide, and we saw the roughest and highest waves we have seen during our stay. Cocktails were, naturally, on the balcony. After the huge BBQ lunch at Bonepile, dinner consisted of finishing up our cheese and cracker selection.
Packing pretty much complete, we went to bed for our last night in Depoe Bay happy with our ten night stay. We saw whales from the condo deck every day we were here. The weather was mostly cooperative. Now we’re ready to head out tomorrow morning for home. Next trip: England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland beginning in late August. Come back then for another visit.
Kites look fantastic. And you had more sun than we did up here. Safe travels!!
Looks like you had a great vacation!
A really fun, food filled, cocktail drinking, whale watching trip. Enjoyed reading and looking at the pictures.
PS What is the difference between an Italian-American and an American-Italian fish stew?
Just asking.
Looking forward to the August trip.