OK, no tacos. This is the 465th blog post. There have been 1,313 comments. Keep ’em coming. Uneventful but pleasant Tuesday. Nice sunny day.
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Walks as usual in the morning. Can you spot the fixer upper I could buy and rehab? Bad building on a prime site. The cat in the window is at Elaine’s hair stylist’s shop. It’s on Dykegate Lane (pronounced Daggot). The second pic is from our backyard looking down the backside of Ard Na Mara.

Then we took a ride up to Conor Pass. Good views but a bit hazy. Can you see Dingle? Can you identify Harp Lake?

Lunch was at home. More shopping in the afternoon. Had to fill the wine cellar. And we stopped at Jerry Kennedy’s Butcher Shop. We bought some pork chops and some lamb sausages. I LOVE those lamb sausages. Dinner was at home – lamb sausages (of course) on the barbeque with fresh broccoli and scalloped potatoes. (That’s, of course, after figuring out the intricacies of a new bbq grill – a big one with SIX burners and a side burner for a pan.)
We rarely venture out after dinner at home, but we headed into the Dingle Pub to listen to our friend Richie O’Brien, the lead singer and guitarist with Dreams of Freedom. And we had up close seats to watch David Geaney, the publican Tom’s son, dance in his magical way as Richie sings “Galway Girl” (which was written by an Englishman, Ed Sheeran). My request from Richie was “Grace” about a young Irish Protestant girl who converted to Catholicism to marry her love, Joseph Plunkett, an Irish republican. They were to be married Easter Day 1916. Alas, that was the Easter Uprising and Plunkett was arrested and imprisoned in Kilmainham Jail and sentenced to death. A priest got Graced admitted into the prison to marry Joseph. The next morning he was executed. Grace never remarried. Listen to the song here.

Your pictures are always amazing!! You definitely make me want to visit Ireland again soon.
Great music and incredible dancing!
Hi Maureen. Good to hear from you. Slainte.
So many questions. Is it the stone house with the boarded up windows? Is it the little lake that sorta looks like a harp? I think I can see Dingle through the fog.
Unbelievable dancing. Very sad love song.
Yes and yes
The streets look familiar for sure. We loved Dingle! How far a walk is your house to the town, or do you drive in?
15 minute walk. Sometimes we walk, sometimes we drive.
Ahhh, back to the Dingle Pub, must have felt good to be there again. Good pic of Elaine enjoying the entertainment.
Every picture of Elaine is good
WOW, 465 blog posts – impressive. What’s even more impressive is that I have forwarded this blog to Billy 465 times because he is still not receiving it. What is it some thing he said??.
Subscribe his email. And then he has to confirm his address.