Late again. SORRY! And thought you escaped videos. Nope. A couple below.
82º yesterday. Not today. Cloudy, foggy, and cold. High of 58º.
We drove 10 miles north today into Lincoln City to visit the second and final day of the Fall Kite Festival. They had beautiful sunny weather yesterday, but no wind. Kites like wind. No problem today. We walked the beach a bit. Elaine found a rock she liked with a hole in it. There were kids swimming and surfing (brrrrrr). Then we watched the early kite performers. They have large stationary kites in one area and teams giving synchronized shows in another area. It was cold, but enjoyable.
Click on the galleries below to bring up scrollable windows with full size pictures – the gallery previews may show just thumbnails of the pictures.

Then we drove back toward home but stopped at the Taft Area of Lincoln City. The beach is a bonanza for driftwood fans. Lots of people were surf fishing.

And right at the Taft beach, there is a Mo’s, a venerable Oregon restaurant chain famous for their chowder, We stopped in for lunch. Great clam chowder followed by a cod sandwich for Elaine and beer encrusted halibut and chips for me. Alcohol free lunch.
Then it was home to watch some football, read, nap, and listen to some more of the latest audio book that we didn’t have time to finish on the drive – The It Girl by Ruth Ware. It’s a before/after murder mystery with an insufferable young heroine named Hannah. Will we every finish it? We are invested, so we must endure.
P.S. For my sister who mentioned it:
Then there’s Cat Lick Park, originally known as Cat Lick Rock Park. It’s a simple grassy area overlooking the ocean with that goofy sign.
What does that mean?
According to Weidner, it’s a kooky tale that came about because of city discussions on how to enhance the look of the rock signage. They originally wanted a lot of moss to grow on the rocks, and ideas were thrown around on how to achieve this, including encouraging moss to grow. Someone suggested pouring buttermilk on the rock. “Then, someone said: ‘If you pour buttermilk on it you’ll have every cat in the neighborhood licking it,’ “ Weidner said.
Thus the name simply stuck. It’s become a bit of a fascination on the internet as well, with some actually discovering the correct origin.
So you wouldn’t recommend the book, I’m on the library list for it! Lol
Read might be OK. Audio book was L O N G. And Hannah is a pain.
Amazing kites. Glad you could see them again.
No comments lately. Miss them. Enjoy Durango.
I knew there had to be a good story about Cat Lick Rock. Thank you.
Elaine, I love your rock. And your big smile!
The videos of the kite festival were amazing. Did you know that Jeff and I won a kite flying contest back in the seventies on the beach in Gloucester. Jeff tied the kite to the line on his surf fishing rod so it was easy to reel the kite up and down.
Lunch at Mo’s sounded good. What, no alcohol!?!?
Never knew you and Jeff were kite champs. Wow.
What were you doing in Gloucester? Not a place we went often back then.
No alcohol at lunch. Plenty later on.
Friends of ours spent a lot of time in Gloucester and knew of the kite festival, so a bunch of us decided to go. Before that, we had flown kites a few times at Plum Island in Newburyport. Not the big fancy ones.