One week on board now complete. Weather has been OK. A little rain, but not enough to make us miserable. Seas have been calm. There are have been a few interludes where you could feel the pitch and roll, but it was never bad. Food great. Drinks great. We’ve made a few friends. All good.
Today we are in Seward, named as you might expect for William Seward, the US Secretary of State, who negotiated the Alaska Purchase from Russia in 1867 for $2.7 million. That would be equivalent to $129 million today – still a bargain.
Click on the galleries below to bring up scrollable windows with full size pictures – the gallery previews may show just thumbnails of the pictures. By the way, the pictures look much better on a tablet or a computer than they do on your phone. Just saying.
Our excursion in Seward was to the Alaska Sea Life Center (aka an aquarium that also specializes in marine rescues). It was interesting and enjoyable with the usual collection of sea life. My favorites: the blue moray eel and the puffin who let me get about one foot away from him for a picture.

The Sea Life Center stands on Resurrection Bay. It’s a beautiful sight.

Thought you’d seen all the fish? Nope. Back inside the Sea Life Center. That’s one big sea lion swimming!

And some random shots from around Seward.

Back on the ship it was cocktails as usual in the Living Room Bar and then dinner at the Chef’s Table Restaurant, the other specialty dining venue (i.e., not Manfredi’s). It features a set themed menu with different wines to match each course. Tonight the theme was Xiang (Chinese). Poor quality photos of the menu follow. We get the premium pairing wines as we have the Silver Spirits package. Picture of the dessert and of the restaurant below including one of another cruise ship going by as we ate..

Finally, some random snaps from the previous night in the Restaurant and in the Explorer Lounge with our friends Don and Donna. And finally finally a slightly blurry pic of the moon from our balcony as a slightly blurry photographer goes to bed.