Running late this morning, so it will be a quick and dirty blog entry. Yesterday after another lovely breakfast, we were in the car heading for Penzance. We made three stops along the way.
First stop was at Polperro, a delightful fishing village in Cornwall. No non-resident cars allowed in the town, but there is a large parking lot just at the border. The streets are narrow and filled with shops and restaurants and B&Bs. We had a walk through the town to take pictures, bought some post cards, had an ice cream (tasted like 98% butterfat), and took pictures.

Then it was on to the town of Bodmin. There is a military museum here but we opted to visit the old Bodmin Jail. Lots of stories about the prisoners held here over the years, but essentially we could have skipped this and later wished we had.
The reason for wishing we had given the Jail a miss was our next stop, the Eden Project. Read the story about it in the link. It’s pretty fascinating: HUGE greenhouses to wander through. We toured both big areas, the Mediterranean and the Rain Forest. We could have spent a lot more time here rather than in a boring jail.

Then it was back in the car for the last hour of the drive to Penzance. We arrived and immediately checked in at Venton Vean, our B&B for three nights. A brief rest and a shower, then we ventured out across the park to the Turks Head Pub, the oldest pub in Penzance, for dinner. We started with olives and ciabatta with olive oil. Then I had a delicious fish pie while Elaine enjoyed a beautiful looking and tasting Cornwall Seafood Chowder. We split an Eton Mess for desert. And home it was to bed after a long day.

Hi Joe,
Thumbs Up for the heads up on the tardily posted Penzance page. I would have missed it. Thumbs Down for not explaining what an Eton Mess is. Sounds like 98% butter fat… 🙂