A busy day. We are heading to Castletown Geoghegan. It’s only 90 minutes away, so we killed an hour so in the morning by visiting the River Walk alng the Clare River in Milltown (Tuam). Delightful little walk. I didn’t go down the slide!

Then we were off to Castletown Geoghegan in County Westmeath. The town is located almost exactly in the middle of Ireland. Despite the name, I have no relational connections here. There isn’t much to Castletown Geoghegan. The castle ruins are small. There is a nice church. Of course, I got pictures with the town signs. And we cruised the cemetery by the church and found a few Geoghegan graves.

Then we backtracked towards tonight’s hotel, the Athlone Springs Hotel. Since we were early for check-in, we stopped in Athlone and visited Athlone Castle on the banks of the River Shannon.

Dinner was in the room with chow from Supervalu after waiting a long time to be served in the hotel restaurant. The hotel redeemed itself with a lavish breakfast buffet.
Off to get Covid tests tomorrow and then a last night in Limerick. Tests are required for re-entry into the USA. One more post tomorrow from Limerick.
What a nice combination river walk and history lesson along the Clare River. Good that you chose not to go down the slide. It would not have been good to end your trip with a broken neck!
Love the picture of you next to the Castletown Geoghegan road sign. Very nice church and graveyard. Is there not a pub in the town? It would have been nice to toast your town with a Guinness. Love the peek-through of Elaine at Athlone Castle.
Good luck with your Covid tests. Looking forward to the final post from Limerick, but hate that the trip is coming to an end.
There’s a pub but closed during the day. We just passed our covid tests. Drinking beer on the Shannon now in Limerick.
Good news on the Covid test results. Enjoy your beers on the Shannon.
Not many people can say there is a town in Ireland with their last name. You know you are in the right spot for sure! The slide is something else… Sue’s comment so true. One of Elaine’s better pics (haha). Keep enjoying your last days in Ireland. It has been a great trip. We are finally getting much needed moisture Friday into Saturday, however, it is coming in the form of snow too and freezing temps again. Ahhhh, love this Colorado weather. Good luck with COVID test.
Just saw you passed your COVID tests, great!
We’re any of the gravesites your Geoghegans? Interesting, love your trip. Having a bit of a ‘cooling trend’ for your trip home, but it’ll warm back up to 108 on Wednesday. Be ready 😇
No relations from that area, just namesakes
Nice to be home huh? 👍❤️