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All pictures today (save for one) taken with the functional but somewhat disabled Canon G7X. Camera phones are OK, but I am a camera man.
The Lord bringeth another great weather day. Our weekly house cleaners were coming in at 10:00 AM, so we headed out for a ride. Eask Tower is right across the water from us up on Carhoo Hill. You can see it from our kitchen windows. So we decided to head over and hike up to the tower. See it in the picture to the left? Zoomed in, you can see it on the right hand picture.

It’s a short drive to the bottom of Carhoo hill. We met the lady farm owner (who is worth the price of admission even without a tower) and paid our €2.00 each for access to their farm property. Fair price. We also met a couple from Tipperary who rode in the bike race yesterday and who were climbing before heading home. They went all the way up and down with us. It’s a tough slog on the old lungs going up. Easy on the lungs but tough on the knees going down. The main activity during the climb in avoiding sheep shit. The views from the top are fantastic with water on three sides. Read more about Eask Tower here. Plenty of pics below to enjoy. The views back to Dingle Town are spectacular.

Then it was onto Slea Head Drive again with a couple of stops at scenic sites with the sun shining brightly. The goal in mind was a pub, Tigh T P, in Ballydavid where in the past we have enjoyed great lunches right on the water. Alas, the last few trips, they have been closed at lunchtime. Given it was Sunday, we hoped for the best but no luck. So we soldiered on back to Ventry and had a wonderful lunch at Quinn’s Pub – mussels for Elaine, prawns for me. Then it was home for nap time. Marian came over at 6 PM to teach us how to effectively use the fire box. Lesson learned. We had a great combination processed peat and wood fire. No pictures – next time! Then it was cocktails and dinner (leftovers).

Elaine’s picture of me at Quinn’s Pub taken with her camera phone.

All in all, a GREAT day. Come back tomorrow for more. Go Celtics! Crush Kyrie and the dreaded Nets. Go Suns too. Celtics/Suns final? Hoping.
Absolutely stunning. That’s all I can say.
Wait until the next post!
Agree with Sue….stunning pics. Love seeing you both in the pics. Elaine and the baby lambs, so sweet. Joe, looking for some smiles! The walk must have taken all your energy away. Amazing landscapes there.
Smiling is overrated.
Hi Elaine & Joe, Love These pictures! Have followed your blog each day but somehow never find the time to make a comment. As Bill says “there’s not enough time in the retirement day.“ Then again, you guys have been very busy. Obviously you are over Jetlag if you can climb that tower and thank heavens the lungs and the knees are up to it. I remember this tower from a previous blog. So happy the weather is cooperating for you. Continue to enjoy. And yes, last night the Celtics swept the Nets-YAY! And Kylie was fined $50,000 for giving Boston fans the finger during game one – four times! 🏀
I wore my Celtics tee shirt today. Go Celts – Beat the Bucks. That will be tough.