It’s Tuesday in Trois-Rivieres, a delightful town about midway between Montreal and Quebec on the St Lawrence Seaway. Last night we had a casual dinner on the ship in the informal (but very good) Terrace Cafe. Gimlets and cosmos before dinner in the Martini Bar. And after dinner Amaretto in Martinis as well. At dinner we met a man who graduated from Tufts in 1963 – fellow Jumbos forever!
Today after breakfast we were off the ship at 8:15 am for a walkabout the delightful downtown area. Everything opened at 10 AM, so we walked to our most distant destination first, Borealis, a newly opened and very informative museum about the paper industry. Trois-Rivieres was the paper capital of Canada for a long time, and it is still a major industry.
Then we walked back downtown for a visit to the small but different Musee Quebecois de Culture Populaire. This is not a normal museum, and the exhibits are constantly changing. The highlight at this time is a collection of old toys that bring memories of childhood for us oldies. The museum is paired with the Old Prison that was in use until the 1980’s. We got a guided tour of the Prison and quickly learned that it would be a mistake to go to prison in Quebec.
Then it was back to the ship for rest, relaxation, naps, drinks, and preparations for dinner.
Future posting will be spotty depending on wi-fi access in the various ports we will be stopping at. We sail tonight at 11:59 for an 7:00 AM arrival on Wednesday in Quebec City.

Great pix, love Elaine’s pic in front of the fishies!