A few pictures from late on Thursday. After dinner at Bay View Thai, we stopped in to Gracie’s Sea Hag Bar in downtown Depoe Bay. It’s quite an eclectic place! Where else do you see a Stevie Wonder wanabe and an indoor fire pit? Then there were the two people sitting outside our condo watching for whales.

Friday was mostly cloudy with sun around noontime. We got up early and drove back to Yaquina Head Scenic Area to view the tide pools at low tide. There was a school group there, but there are plenty of tide pools at Cobble Beach. Cobble Beach is comprised totally of cobble stones, and they can be tough to walk on. We managed to stay upright and make it to the rocks with the tide pools. They are quite interesting as they contain what the sea leave behind after high tide. Yaquina Lighthouse looked quite different in the fog. We were home by 10:00 AM after a quick stop to in Newport to pick up some stuffed clams and scallops for tonight’s dinner.

For lunch we drove back into Newport – we sure know that route now. It was back to Local Ocean Seafoods to get another Grilled Octopus Salad – in a previous post I said it was grilled calamari, but it was octopus then too. It is sooooo good! Elaine had Ling Cod Fish and Chips. I had a grilled Ling Cod Sandwich. After lunch we walked the bay front, watched the sea lions again (no pictures this time- promise), and got Tillamook double scoop ice creams.

Dinner was at home as we begin the process of emptying the fridge in preparation for leaving on Monday morning.
I saw at Fry’s yesterday they were stocking Tillamookies in the display case. Have you had one yet? We are off today to Minneapolis for the game tomorrow night. Miami is at Pats so you should get another W Joe!!! Now Elaine the Cards are another matter. Hope they get out of their funk!
Enjoy those whales, love the pix.
Seafood, sign me up, double scoop of Tillamook, really sign me up! Love you guys. Joe, tell Elaine the puzzle has been sent to Caroline along with snacks to get she and Gary through those crazy days and nights! Ahhhhh the challenge has been passed! CINDY