Saratoga – The Summer Place to Be
By way of Flagstaff, Chicago, Albany, and Alton (NH)
Saratoga used to be the August Place to Be, but the racing season has gradually been extended from four weeks (24 racing days) to over seven weeks, starting in late July and ending on Labor Day (40 racing days). So now it’s the Summer Place to Be. My solo adventure to Saratoga began today.
Elaine drove me to Avis on Northsight Blvd where I picked up a rental Ford Edge that I will drop in Flagstaff. When I was through packing up the car at home, Elaine noticed oil on the driveway. So, packed up and ready to go, I drove back to Avis. Fortunately they had an identical Ford Edge SUV that they swapped out for me. I transferred my bags to the new car and I was off.
The two-hour drive to Flag was uneventful. No traffic at all. Flagstaff, on the other hand, is a bustling town with lots of traffic. I checked in at the Drury Inn, unloaded my luggage, and then drove all of two minutes to turn in my car. It was a ten minute walk back to the hotel. From the hotel I will have to walk, schlepping my bags, to the Amtrak station at the ungodly hour of 4:15 am (10 minute walk). The Amtrak Southwest Chief comes from LA and is due at Flagstaff at 4:37 am. I have been monitoring regularly, and it is NEVER on time. It runs thirty minutes to two hours late. Timeliness is not Amtrak’s forte.
For dinner tonight I went to Brix Restaurant and Wine Bar in downtown Flagstaff, not far from the Amtrak Station. I started with a Don Juan cocktail (Plymouth Gin, Muddled Cucumber and Mint, Habanero Tincture, Lime Juice, Simple Syrup). For an appetizer I had Tomato and Basil Soup. Sounds basic but it was delicious. For my main I had Steak Frites. No desert. A delicious glass of Pinot Noir with the main.

After dinner I strolled back to the hotel and hit the sack after setting alarms for 4 am.

There is no wi-fi on the train. I have a five hour layover in Chicago (depending on how late the Southwest Chief arrives – normally they are way behind early but catch up some as they approach Chicago). I have a little adventure planned for Chicago – more about that later. I may also find some wi-fi in Chicago to do an blog update. If not, then I will post next on Monday night after disembarking from the train in Albany, NY.
And he’s off…………………………………
Ahhh, such professional blogging, it’s good you are back on the road again and I get the daily fix! Flagstaff restaurant looks pretty nice, a far cry from the 1990s when I made that commute during the summer with my daughter up there at NAU music camp…I despised the drive!
Looking forward to your train stories and pictures. Loved taking the auto train years ago when the kids were very small. Have fun in Saratoga, may the luck be with you!!!!
The adventure begins. I bet you will be on time to the train station. Hope the food is good on the train. No wifi. Stupid. Even planes have it.
Enjoy the ride.