Caroline was the breakfast chef – eggs to order, potatoes, and bacon. Delicious.
Ann did a load of laundry and managed to include a roll of toilet paper in the machine. The result wasn’t pretty.
Caroline couldn’t find her plastic bag of dirty underwear and blamed Gary. Gary finally found the bag where Caroline had put it.
Then Bill drove everyone but me to the Mild to Wild rafting site on the Animas River. I had opted out as had Bill. Blissful quiet at the house while Bill was driving them to the rafting site. Rafting was reportedly good – wild, wet, and cold!
The Day in Pictures (click to enlarge)

Dinner tonight is at the Glacier Club. Reports tomorrow.
How did toilet paper lint get on the lawn???
Very cute pics of family.
Thank goodness the girls had curls for rafting! First rule of rafting: put rollers in your hair before embarking!
Rafting looks like fun, but maybe a little rough for a pansy like me!
Omg what a full day, so cool, the rafting trip. Not for me, but wow Kris is looking for a raft trip. Please take her next time!!!
And what a hoot, I chuckled when I read about the toilet paper. Such fun seeing your family!
Whole roll of toilet paper!
Must have been a total castrophe trying to get it out of the clothes. I do laundry at 7733 and I recently left 2 small pieces of a paper towel in a pocket. A whole roll!
How come no rafting for the big guy?