After a brief stop in Boston where I joined Elaine at a reunion of the participants of her recent Vietnam adventure (pictures below), we arrived in London early Friday morning. First job, of course, was to pick up our new Renault Megane Estate. Little did we know that we were about to match and exceed the car rental woes of our trip to Florida last Thanksgiving.
Renault hires an agency at Heathrow to act as their agents in delivering and returning cars to customers. We have dealt with them numerous times, and the father/son team is (are?) very nice. Alas, the gasoline automatic transmission Megane that Renault delivered for me was rather a diesel manual transmission model. Oh, oh!! I drove a standard transmission car in driving school back in 1958 and have not been in one since then. And now I am going to drive one for 32 days in the UK/IE on the wrong side of the road? I don’t think so. Naturally I refused delivery.
The agents tried to deal with Renault, but the buck passing between different divisions within Renault resulted in four hours of angst ridden waiting. Finally they offered a seven-to-ten day rental after which they would deliver a new Renault to me. Not bloody good enough! I had no confidence that they would deliver it in a timely fashion. I told Pierre, the Renault agent in France, that Renault had not delivered as promised and that I wanted a full refund. He agreed and said he would arrange it. I expect a hassle.
Meanwhile the father/son agents proposed a solution (independent from any connection with Renault). They would rent me a similarly sized Volvo with an automatic transmission for the same price quoted me for the Renault. I sense this was a good deal for them, but it was a good deal for us too. A Volvo is a step up from a Renault, the car had only 6,000 miles on it, and the vacation would proceed immediately without worrying about changing out to another car at some point. The deal was struck!
By this time it was too late for our planned time-killing sight-seeing trip to Hampton Court Palace but yet a bit too early to proceed to our nearby B&B for check-in. We drove to the B&B (the GPS, or as the Brits refer it, the SatNav) got us there in good stead, and we enjoyed a beer or two at the pub next store. At four PM, much the worse for wear, we checked in to the Oakwood B&B, settled in, and took naps. Having enjoyed Vietnam food at the “reunion”, hefty snacks the airport waiting for the Virgin flight, and a full dinner and a breakfast on-board the six hour flight, Elaine wasn’t hungry come dinner time at 7 PM, so I ventured on foot down the street for fish and chips (excellent!) for myself. I stopped at a little variety store and bought some waters for the room. We were in bed and asleep by 8:30 PM.
After a good night’s rest (it is 6 AM Saturday now) we have put yesterday’s stressful experience behind us and will begin the vacation anew. After breakfast, I think we will proceed to visit Hampton Court Palace after all (I do have pre-purchased admission tickets – why waste them!). After a short visit there we will embark on the two hour (or so) ride to our first cottage rental in Chipping Campden. More on that tomorrow with the first UK pictures.
Until then, here are the pictures of Elaine’s Vietnam reunion with our friend Mianne, the Lees, and the infamous Savin Hill girls. Also present but not pictured were me, Mianne’s husband Bill, and Joe & Fran Murphy who had been scheduled to be on the trip but had to cancel.

Aw, jeez — what a bummer about the Renault! But I’m sure you’ll enjoy the other car just as much (heaven knows you’ll be spending a lot of time in it). I hope you do get to see Hampton Court Palace; I think it’s well worth the stop. Looking forward to your next post!
Hey, the author of THE ART OF THE DEAL has nothing on you, Baby. Excellent Plan B. A safer car is ALWAYS a good choice. Now that it is behind you, you can proceedings on this well planned trip. Bravo Joe!
Joe, you got the better deal. You know how Bill and I like our Volvos, great cars. Good thing you and Elaine left when you did. The Phoenix airport had quite the mixup with TSA and luggage and over 3,000 or more pieces of luggage never left the airport. They are still in the process of getting all the luggage straightened out so people can have their clothes on their trips. Sounds like some will not get it. Travelers did not even know about not getting their luggage at their destinations. My love to you both, and happy almost Birthday to Elaine. Be safe. . Love Cindy
What a motley crew…very cute group pictures. TSA is in the news nationwide, our group here in Phoenix. They left an entire airport full of checked bags on the parking lot tarmac as the TSA system had a glitch. For 24 hours!! All bags were driven to Las Vegas and Los Angeles where they were supposedly married to destinations (good luck!). Hoping they fix the problem here or Dallas for our upcoming trip.
Weather here topping at 100 but will cool for the next 10 days. Our picture of Hampton Court (last year) is on our May edition of 2016 calendar so do hope you get there. I like that place!!
Cheers to your next stop. If it’s car trouble how is it you two managing to be in the thick of it????