It was raining Saturday morning when I got up, but as usual, when it was time to be doing something, the rain stopped. We had a mixture of clouds and sun for the day.
I’ll be brief today and let the pictures do the talking. We walked into town through the park and went immediately to the Fitzwilliam Museum. It is a large and quite fabulous place where you could spend days. And it is all free. It has everything: ancient Chinese porcelain, artifacts from old Egypt, and a fabulous collection of painting spanning a myriad of regions and styles. I always especially enjoy French impressionists, and the Fitzwilliam did not disappoint in that regard.
Pictures from the Fitzwilliam (Click to Enlarge)

Then we visited the University of Cambridge Polar Museum. UC does lots of research on the North and South Poles. It was interesting and we found information on Tom Crean, our “friend” from Dingle who made three Antarctic excursions with Shackleton and Scott.
Lunch was at Pret A Manger. (Yes, we are hooked.). Cambridge is clearly a university city. It is big, vibrant, and very busy. Lots of hen parties in progress. We walked back to the B&B along the River Cam, stopping for a pint at the Fort St George Pub where I chatted with a local in a Red Sox hat. He was just back with his kids from a week in Boston and two weeks in Florida. Then it was nap time. We had cocktails in the garden at the B&B and dinner was a repeat affair at the Old Spring Pub.

I really enjoy college towns. Looks like you had a nice, easy going day, winding down I think. Safe travels home. Love Cindy
Love the beer toasts, cheers! Safe travels, we will be behind you in the skies . Just now at CPH airport.
Was day 29 your last post?