I forget to include pics of me tending my fire in Trinidad. That’s me in my Guinness Toucan hockey jersey!

We stopped in Newport on Sunday to kill an hour since we couldn’t get into the condo until 4 pm. While there we visited some old friends.

Monday, October 25
Sunday’s 60 mph winds had pretty much passed by Monday morning. But Monday was essentially a rain day. There were periods of dry and periods of driving rain. The seas were enormous. As you looked out, it was like one big white cap. We had breakfast at Gracie’s Sea Hag in Depoe Bay, across from the ocean. Mushroom omelet and hash browns for Elaine; Fried oysters, eggs, and hash browns for me (with the obligatory side of bacon). As we left Gracie’s, there was a brief lull in the rain so I snapped a couple of pics (using my phone, not my camera).

So, back home, it rained. As cocktail time approached, God saw fit to let the sun show through for a bit, so we, bundled up, had cocktails on the balcony. (Yup, our green folding chairs were still in the condo closet.) The sun stayed out for quite a bit. The seas were fierce. We hear this weather system is headed east eventually toward New England, so you all may get a taste of it. And, lo and behold, we had an eagle (or eaglet) land on the rocks right in front of us. Alas, no pictures to prove it, but it happened!

Dinner was homemade chili and Dave’s famous cornbread. Elaine made a big batch, so we’ll be having it again. More rain tomorrow, I fear. Back then or the next day. Forecast for later in the week looks better.