At 5 PM on Nollaig na mBan, we headed to O’Flaherty’s. Fergus is the leader of the Dingle Drum and Fife Band, so events involving the band start there. This article describes yesterday’s events. It has inaccuracies. This is not the first year, but the second that the band moved the march from New Year’s Eve until Nollaig na mBan. And it started at 5 PM, not 6 PM. We marched with the band and it’s police escort for the first part of their march. It was a nice quiet event, not the fiasco usually encountered when the march was on New Year’s Eve. It’s a nice tradition.

Then a final pint at Curran’s and home to finish parking and go to bed.
Sunday morning broke bright and clear and COLD. Frost on the lawn and on the car.

I had to warm the car up for 15 minutes to clear the frost off the windows. First frost I remember in Dingle. The drive to Dublin was weird. Clear when we left but soon we were in heavy fog. Then just before we stopped for lunch at the Barrack Obama Plaza in Moneygall, it cleared up again and there was more bright sunshine. Back on the road – more fog until we approached Dublin when it cleared again. I stopped for the obligatory picture of the Dingle Peninsula coast near the town of Camp. (Damn telephone pole. I could photoshop it out if I had time.)

At the Crowne Plaza there were horses and carts for rides in the huge park across the street. We demurred. Wine in the room. A nice dinner in the hotel dining room. A nice sleep. And off to the airport late morning for 3 PM flight to LA. We’ll overnight in LA and be home Tuesday at noon.

That’s it for the blog. See you in Norway in May.