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Sunday cocktails were indoors at the window. Rained most all of Sunday night. Monday broke cloudy but dry. It was dry enough for a morning walk and there were even small patches of blue sky. We spent the day on a variety of errands: a stop at the Market for lime juice (one of life’s essentials); a visit to the Birkenstock store for sandals; a visit to the Red Cock Jewelry and Clothing Store (no purchases); a ride to Newport for lunch at Local Oceans; a walk along the Bayfront for a Tillamook marionberry ice cream cone; a stop at the Depoe Bay Recycling Center to drop glass bottles; an abortive visit to the Depoe Bay Chamber of Commerce to exchange Elaine’s small Salmon Bake tee shirt for a medium (they were closed).
Lunch was great. grilled calamari salad to start, of course. My sister checked the menu at Local Oceans on-line and said she would have to have the Fishwives Stew if she went there. So I tried it. Fabulous! Clams, rockfish, shrimp (big and small), scallops, and a big crab leg (picture below).
The day’s weather was better than predicted. Some rain but some sun as well. Tomorrow is supposed to be more rainy. but we’ll hope for the best. Here is a potpourri of pictures from the day.

Below: Local Ocean for Lunch

I’m with Sue Joe, your lunch looked delish. Then again, all the food you and Elaine have been ordering, looks really good. I see a diet in your futures! We are having beautiful fall weather now. Loving these days. Love, Cindy